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Thank you for your submissions and feedback on the proposals. Consultation has now closed. 

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The Associate Minister of Transport is proposing a collection of rule changes known as the Accessible Streets Regulatory Package.

These rules are designed to improve safety for footpath users, encourage active modes of transport, and support the creation of more liveable and vibrant towns and cities.

Everyone who uses the transport network will be affected by these proposed changes. We want to be sure we consider your views, and the impact that the proposed new rule and proposed rule changes could have on you.

The consultation doesn’t sit alone and has interdependencies in other areas, so we’ve taken the following into account when writing our proposed rules:

  • Recommendations from Improving Road Safety in New Zealand
  • 2014 Cycling Safety Panel’s report Safer journeys for people who cycle
  • The report from the Transport and Industrial Relations Select Committee on the petition of Joanne Clendon in May 2016 [2014/59] on children cycling on the footpath.

Consultation documents

Accessible versions of the consultation documents (Easy Read, sign language, audio and braille) are also available.

Title Download Word (DOCX) or PDF format
Overview (see details of correction made)   [DOCX, 7.8 MB]   [PDF, 2.4 MB]
Overview summary   [DOCX, 4.8 MB]   [PDF, 765 KB]
Draft Land Transport Rule: Paths and Road Margins 2020   [DOCX, 223 KB]   [PDF, 287 KB]
Draft Land Transport Rule: Road User Rule Amendment 2020   [DOCX, 441 KB]   [PDF, 228 KB]
Draft Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices Amendment 2020   [DOCX, 249 KB]   [PDF, 192 KB]
Draft Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Amendment 2020   [DOCX, 206 KB]   [PDF, 47 KB]
Accessible Streets Package Preliminary Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS)   [DOCX, 5.4 MB]   [PDF, 1.7 MB]
Cost benefit analysis: allowing cyclists on the footpath   [DOCX, 4.4 MB]   [PDF, 624 KB]
Questions and answers   [DOCX, 4.4 MB]   [PDF, 540 KB]


  •   Correction to the Overview to the Rules document

    We have identified a couple of mistakes in the Overview to the Rules document.

    On page 18

    Under the heading “What definition applies to these devices? Are they permitted on the footpath, or are they excluded?”

    The text should say that the rules under the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 relating to powered wheeled recreational devices replace the rules that apply to the drivers of motor vehicles. This means that powered wheeled recreational devices (which also fall within the definition of a motor vehicle) can currently be used on the footpath.

    The relevant clause is 1.5(c) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, which says “no duty or requirement imposed by this rule on drivers of motor vehicles applies to persons driving mobility devices, wheeled recreational devices, or power-assisted cycles”. The key distinction under the current state as to whether a powered vehicle is permitted on the footpath is whether the vehicle (assuming it otherwise fits within the definition of a wheeled recreational device) has a maximum power output above or below 300 watts.

    In other words, if a vehicle has a maximum power output of 300 watts or below (and fits the definition of a wheeled recreational device), it is allowed on the footpath. If it has a maximum power output over 300 watts, it is not a wheeled recreational device and is not allowed on the footpath.

    On page 19

    The three examples provided in Table 1D (a hoverboard, e-skateboard and electric unicycle) are incorrectly identified as examples of both wheeled recreational devices and motor vehicles.

    These examples typically have a maximum power output above 300 watts and are unlikely to be wheeled recreational devices. Rather they are examples of motor vehicles whose drivers are subject to the rules that apply to drivers of motor vehicles and are not  allowed on the footpath.

    Some low-powered vehicles (those with less than 300 watts maximum power output) that are currently classified as wheeled recreational devices are permitted on the footpath at present. For example, lower powered e-skateboards ridden by children. Under the proposed changes, and specifically the definition of powered transport device, these vehicles would no longer be permitted on the footpath unless the Transport Agency declares them not to be motor vehicles (see page 20 of the overview).

    Please get in touch with us if this affects your submission or if you have any other queries. You can email our team at or call our contact centre on 0800 699 000.

    The Accessible Streets Consultation Team
    Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
    Chews Lane Office / 50 Victoria Street
    Private Bag 6995, Wellington 6141, New Zealand


Due to the environmental impact of printing large quantities of documents, we will not be sending out printed copies of our consultation documents to stakeholders, unless requested. You can request a physical copy of our Overview or Overview Summary by emailing us at or calling our contact centre on 0800 699 000.

If you have questions about this, please email our team at