Where a cycle lane coincides with a bus stop, the bus must drive across the cycle lane area to pick up or drop off passengers. In these situations, a cycle lane can be located kerbside, between the bus stop and live traffic lane (see the figures below), or as a bypass behind and ‘island’ bus stop.

PTDG: Bus stops with separated cycleways

Cycle lane in a kerbside position, Auckland. (Source: Flow Transportation Specialists)

Cycle lane between a bus stop and a live traffic lane, Auckland. (Source: Flow Transportation Specialists)

On bus routes with infrequent bus services (that is, fewer than about 10 buses per hour) and where buses stop only briefly, bus stops may be marked where cycle lanes are in a kerbside position. Where sufficient road space exists to provide a continuous cycle lane, the cycle lane may be provided around the bus box. Both layouts have an element of conflict between cyclists and buses.

Ideally, raise the visibility of the cycle lane with clear line markings and colouring. We recommend the use of green coloured boxes in the locations where a bus would need to cross the cycle lane to highlight conflict points (see the figure below). A length of at least 10m green paint on the approach is recommended as it accounts for the wheel tracks of the bus and to maintain visibility of the cycle lane given potential wear from bus swept paths. Green paint markings may need to be longer for the egress conflict area.

Recommended location of green coloured surfacing near bus stop View larger image [JPG, 52 KB]

For more information about appropriate cycle markings, coloured surfacing and other cycle lane considerations, see:

Cycling Network Guidance