What's Motu Move?

We're making it easier to use public transport in New Zealand with new ways to pay. Motu Move is a ticketing and payment system providing easy, consistent ways to pay for buses, trains and ferries across Aotearoa.

By making payments easier, we’ll encourage more people to use public transport more often.

  • New ways to pay for public transport in NZ
  • Simply tag on and off with your chosen card or device
  • Proven technology
  • Safe and convenient
  • Use on bus, train and ferry
  • National system, local fares

Motu Move has been created through the National Ticketing Solution programme which is a partnership between NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and 13 Public Transport Agencies across the country. Having a single national solution provides the country with better technology at a lower cost than we can with the current regional systems.

Each region will still manage their own fares, timetables, journey planning and transport operators.

Rolling out NZ wide

We’re introducing Motu Move region by region, starting in Canterbury in late 2024.

How the Motu Move brand and services are introduced and used in each region may vary.

As dates for other regions are confirmed we'll share them here.

New ways to pay

You'll be able to choose what's best for you.

  • Contactless debit or credit card or device
  • Motu Move card
  • Pre-buy a ticket

No transaction fees for contactless cards.
All payment methods will have the same fare.
Add concessions to any card or device.

For now, keep using your local public transport websites

Our full Motu Move website and app will be available later this year. In the meantime, visit your usual regional public transport site for information on current services, and to watch out for local updates on plans for bringing Motu Move to your region.

Programme updates

To find out more about the National Ticketing Solution programme that’s creating Motu Move, you can visit our NZTA programme page.

National Ticketing Solution