We all want our neighbourhoods to be healthy, safe and climate resilient. Supporting more people to travel more often by bike will help us meet our emissions reduction targets while improving the health and wellbeing of people and the vibrancy and liveability of our communities. It also requires transformational change.

The NZTA Cycling Action Plan sets out a pathway to significantly increase the safety and attractiveness of cycling and micromobility in towns and cities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

NZTA Cycling Action Plan

It outlines the strategic priorities for NZTA, and includes the detailed actions we will take, alongside our partners, to help achieve the substantial shifts required. While it is not a funding plan, it will help inform future transport prioritisation and investment decisions.

Vision and focus areas

The NZTA Cycling Action Plan vision is that in ten years, people of all ages and abilities will be able to get to where they need to go using connected networks of safe and attractive cycleways and quiet streets.  

To support this vision, over the next 10 years our focus will be:

  • helping to deliver quick build cycle networks and building momentum for change in all our main urban centres
  • supporting reallocation of existing street space to help complete urban cycling networks
  • supporting investment in short trips to key destinations such as schools, town centres and public transport hubs in our investment priorities.

An interim plan

The NZTA Cycling Action Plan has been developed by NZTA with input from central and local government, advocacy and accessibility groups. It is an interim plan. An expanded National Cycling Plan is also being developed, which is due for release by the end of 2023. This is an action within the government’s 2022 Emissions Reduction Plan.

Our local government partners have a critical role to play in creating safe, connected and attractive cycling networks. This interim plan has been released now to provide direction on NZTA investment priorities as councils develop their Regional Land Transport Plans, Long-term Council Community Plans and Urban Vehicle Kilometres Travelled Reduction Programmes.  It will also guide teams at NZTA in the changes we need to make to our processes, guidance, and policies to better support councils with their work.

If you have any other questions, or would like to receive email updates with developments on the NZTA Cycling Action Plan, email us at: ncwp@nzta.govt.nz


Emissions Reduction Plan(external link)