The following is information regarding the requirements for importing vehicles belonging to certain immigrants and returning New Zealanders that do not meet one or more of the following:
You should read this page in conjunction with the overall requirements for importing a vehicle into New Zealand.
The process allowing certain people moving (or moving back) to New Zealand to bring in and register a vehicle that they owned prior to the move is subject to a number of specific conditions. Vehicles that meet these conditions can then be registered without complying with approved frontal impact, exhaust emissions standards, electronic stability control or advanced brake system requirements.
We call these vehicles immigrants’ vehicles.
You will need to apply to an entry certifier to identify your vehicle as an immigrant’s vehicle. A fee of $184.00 (incl. GST) will be charged to process your application and is paid to the entry certifying organisation processing your application.
The entry certifier will ask you to fill in an Application for identification of an immigrants’ vehicle form, which includes making a declaration that you have met the current requirements and will also meet future requirements.
Application for identification of an immigrants’ vehicle form(external link)
Note: it is an offence to make a false or misleading declaration.
If your vehicle is not identified as an immigrant’s vehicle, it will not be entry-certified and will not be registered for use on New Zealand roads.
You must make a declaration that you:
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi cannot grant exemptions from any of these requirements if you want to apply for immigrant-vehicle status.
Your vehicle must still meet the general safety requirements of:
Your vehicle must also comply with the relevant requirements of all the other rules.
We recommend you talk to an entry certifier (external link)to discuss the general safety requirements of your vehicle.
In addition to the declaration on the application, you must:
Immigrants' vehicles are included in the Clean Car Standard and the Vehicle Efficiency and Emissions Data Rule. These vehicles are assigned CO2 information and are subject to any fees or credits associated with the Clean Car Standard.
Anyone importing immigrants' vehicles needs to set up a CO2 account and provide the information to an entry certifier.
More information about the Clean Car Standard and setting up a CO2 account
Under the Land Transport Rule: Light Vehicle Brakes 2002 immigrants' vehicle do not comply with ESC requirements.
ABS requirements in the Land Transport Rule: Light Vehicle Brakes 2002 do not apply to immigrants’ vehicles if the vehicle is of class LC, LD or LE (note that there are currently no compulsory ABS requirements for other vehicle classes).
New Zealand requires vehicles to be right-hand drive. If you are considering importing a left-hand drive vehicle, see our information about importing a left-hand drive vehicle.
Importing a left-hand drive vehicle