These videos demonstrate safe driving in several driving situations.

Thinking about others when you drive

This video covers driving in more advanced traffic conditions, including watching out for various types of road users and how to pass a cyclist safely.

Understanding blind spots in a car

This video demonstrates how a car can be obscured in the blind spot between what you can see in your peripheral vision and what you can see in your wing mirror.

Intersections and give way rules

This video demonstrates the give way rules and shows how to drive through intersections safely.

Traffic lights

This video shows the correct behaviour when using traffic lights.


Motorways are designed for high volumes of fast moving traffic. This video shows the safe driving rules when travelling on motorways.

Open road driving

Open road situations allow a chance to move along freely without all the stops and starts with city driving. However, it is important to keep up with the traffic flow. This video shows how to remain safe when travelling on the open road.