Taking over safety cameras from NZ Police

We’re starting to take over permanent safety cameras from NZ Police. Police issue notices from 62 speed cameras and 47 red light cameras around the country.

We’ll take over the management and issuing of notices from speed cameras. Other Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) will continue managing their red light cameras and we’ll issue the notices.

We’re also taking over responsibility for mobile cameras from police during 2025.

We’re putting up new ‘safety camera area’ signs

We want people to see our signs, slow down if needed, and respect red lights.

Mobile cameras will remain unsigned. Research shows a mix of signed and unsigned safety cameras of various types generates greater road safety benefits than either one alone.

Safety camera area signs – more information

Improving site safety

Many of the police camera sites have been around for a while, as early as 2014. Some sites will need upgrading to make the sites safer for the people who maintain them. This work could include installing a footpath, parking bay, and barrier.

All cameras will be tested and certified

Before cameras go live on our network, they go through a rigorous testing process. Other organisations complete the tests and issue certificates

Safety camera testing and certification

If people speed, they could receive a notice from NZTA or NZ Police

When a camera transfers to us from police, we’ll issue the safety camera notices from that camera.

Police officers will continue to issue notices for the offences they detect.

Our safety camera notices and penalties

What’s coming up on our work schedule

Our transfer work will begin scaling up from July 2024.

We plan to work on and transfer an estimated 25 police speed camera sites from late July – December 2024. The majority of these are in Auckland, with a smaller number in Northland and Waikato.

Most work will happen on the roadside and will have little impact on residents and people driving. If work is expected to significantly disrupt travel, we’ll use electronic signage to notify people in the area.

Our work plans are subject to change as they depend on things like contractors being available and fine weather.

As work gets under way, we’ll provide regular progress updates. For example, where signs have been installed, and if a site is under construction/in testing.

To check our progress, go to:

Camera locations and progress updates