Use this form to nominate someone to act on your behalf in relation to specific NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) safety camera notices.

Giving someone authority to act for your safety camera infringements means they can request all information about the infringements in your name. They can do things like:

  • request the photo recorded against an infringement
  • request a dispute or court hearing
  • ask us about payments, or
  • tell us it was someone else driving.  

If an authorised person requests a safety camera court hearing on your behalf, you should be aware that process involves the disclosure of any traffic conviction history. 

An authorised person could also request a copy of your infringement history (for infringements issued by NZTA). 

Your details

We'll only use this address to identify you. We'll respond to you by email.

We won't update the address recorded against the vehicle in the Motor Vehicle Register.

Change the address for your vehicle

If you're providing multiple plates, please separate them with commas.

Contact details

In case we need to contact you about this request.


The 10-digit number on the right of your infringement notice starting with SC. If you're providing multiple numbers, please separate them with commas.


The information you provide through this webform is required to process your request and/or respond to your query. All information you submit will be held by NZTA and treated as confidential, subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 2020. You can read our online services and general privacy statements to learn more about what we do with your information.

Online services privacy statement

General privacy statement