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Hump ramp markings

Where a vertical deflection device is installed, hump ramp markings should be marked as specified in Table 14‑1.

Table 14-1: Hump ramp markings

Colour Reflectorised white
Width 750mm
Length From the base of the ramp to the apex of a sinusoidal device or to the top of the ramp for a platform, table, or cushion, but no greater than 1850mm (see Figure 14‑1).

The following guiding principles should be applied:

  • Hump ramp markings should be marked on the face of the vertical deflection device visible to approaching drivers.
  • Hump ramp markings should be positioned evenly across the width of the approach lane.
  • Hump ramp markings placed outside of wheel tracks will increase the longevity of the markings.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that cycles and powered two wheelers are able to pass over vertical deflection devices without the need to travel over a hump ramp markings.
  • Hump ramp markings should not be positioned so that the apex of a marking is aligned with an edgeline and / or centre-line marking.
    Refer to markings on speed cushions
  • Where the shoulder is wide (wider than 1m), a hump ramp markings may be placed between the edgeline and edge of seal.
  • When used in cycle lanes and cycle paths, hump ramp markings dimensions may be decreased proportionally as specified in clause 5.4(2A) of the TCD Rule. 

Figure 14‑1: Hump ramp markings dimensions

Hump ramp marking showing dimensions and direction of travel

Figure 14‑2: General layouts for hump ramp markings

General layout for hump ramp markings showing lane width and centre lines

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Table 14‑2: Spacings for hump ramp markings on full width devices

Dimension Minimum distance (m) Maximum distance (m)
A 0.0 0.45
B 0.3 0.6


A centre-line should be marked in advance of a vertical deflection device and may be marked on the device; this applies to all two-way roads including those that do not otherwise have a marked centre-line. However, where a vertical deflection device is used at an intersection or pedestrian facility, the relevant sections of this manual or TCD manual Part 4 may not allow for centre-lines to be marked.

Where a centre-line is to be marked for a vertical deflection device the centre-line should be continuous for a minimum length of 30m in advance of the ramp.

The type of centre-line should match the existing centre-line markings, otherwise a 100mm wide solid white line should be marked.

Lane line

Where more than one lane is available for traffic travelling in the same direction on either a one‑way or a two‑way road, the lanes should be separated with lane line markings as described in lane lines and typically three hump ramp markings should be used in each lane. However, depending on lane width, it may be appropriate for there to be two or four hump ramp markings in each lane. Care should be taken to ensure that it is evident to road users which line marks the division between opposing streams of traffic; refer to standard centre-lines.

Lane lines

Standard centre-lines

However, where a vertical deflection device is used at an intersection or pedestrian facility, the relevant sections of this manual or TCD manual Part 4 may not allow lane lines to be marked.

If one or more lanes on approach to a vertical deflection device are special vehicle lanes and the lane line is interrupted to accommodate the device, care should be taken to ensure road users are aware of the restrictions on lane use beyond the vertical deflection device.


Where a vertical deflection device is used at an intersection or pedestrian facility, the relevant sections of this manual or TCD manual Part 4 may not allow edgelines to be marked. Otherwise:

  • where a vertical deflection device is installed kerb to kerb, the edgeline is not required. However, if an edgeline is marked on the approach to the device, the marking should continue over the vertical deflection device as well as any road markings associated with parking restrictions
  • where a vertical deflection device has tapered ends, the edgeline marking should guide road users away from the tapered end of the device. Parking restriction road markings should be continued over the vertical deflection device
  • where the shoulder is wide and the edgeline is positioned inside the tapered edge, the edgeline should continue over the vertical deflection device.