
For all RRPMs located on centre-lines, the pattern should be uninterrupted except where centre-lines are terminated at intersections and on tight curves. In addition, the orientation of RRPMs on centre-lines should be either Type 2, two-way one-colour or Type 3, two-way two-colours.

Two-lane urban and rural roads without paint markings

On two-lane roads with fine textured surfaces, white centre-line markings may be replaced with RPMs as described in Table 2‑31 with layouts illustrated in Figure 2‑22.

Figure 2‑22

Table 2‑31: Urban and rural pavement markers centre-line arrangement

Parameters Urban and rural
  Centre-line markings RRPMs
Marker Body Colour W
Marker Category D
Daytime non-retroreflective
Day/Night retroreflective
Retroreflective class - Specify Class A, B or C
Marker Type - 1
One-way one-colour
Retroreflective Colour - W
Marker ID Code D-W G-B1-W
Spacing The two central markers in each group of four should be 1m apart from each other, and 1m apart from the outer reflective markers. Groups of four markers are repeated at 10m intervals along the centre of the road.

Table 2‑31 note:

  1. Although all tables quote Class B retroreflective performance, this does not suggest that Class B will be correct for different sites. Specification must state Class A, B or C.

Figure 2‑22 : Centre-line on two-lane roads. Lit/unlit urban and rural lit roads

 Sketch of centre-line on two-lane roads showing one-way reflective white and daytime non-reflective white markers

View larger image [JPG, 2.3 MB]

Two-lane urban and rural roads with line marking

Two-lane urban and rural roads with fine textured asphaltic surfaces may have painted line markings and raised pavement markers. Category G markers accompanying white centre-lines on urban or rural roads shall show the following retroreflective marker pattern (refer to Figure 2‑23).

Figure 2‑23

In urban areas, marker spacing may be reduced to 10m and be located between each centre-line stripe.

The pattern of markers shall not be interrupted except where centre-lines are terminated at intersections and on tight curves.

Table 2‑32: Marker detail for two-lane rural and urban roads

Parameters With painted centre-line
  Centre-line markings
Marker Body Colour W
Marker Category G
Day/Night retroreflective
Retroreflective class Specify Class A, B or C
Marker Type 2
Two-way one-colour
Retroreflective Colour W
Marker ID Code G-B2-W
Spacing Nominally 20m
Location Central in every second gap between centre-line strips

Figure 2‑23: Two-lane urban and rural roads centre-line

View larger image [JPG, 732 KB]

For curvilinear alignments, the spacing between RRPMs may be reduced to a minimum of 10m and arranged so that at least three consecutive markers are always visible to approaching drivers.

At intersections, markers shall be placed at the intersection end of each solid centre-line. Markers shall also be placed at equal intervals, not exceeding 20m, along the full length of solid centre-lines.

Lane line markers in conjunction with paint lines

Where sections of multi-lane undivided roads are surfaced with fine textured asphalt, the arrangement of RRPMs accompanying white lane lines in urban and rural areas should show the retroreflective configuration shown in Table 2‑33 and Figure 2‑34.

Figure 2‑34

Table 2‑33: Application for urban and rural lane lines

Parameter In conjunction with painted lane and centre-lines
  Lane lines Centre-lines
Marker Body Colour W
Marker Category G
Day/Night retroreflective
Day/Night retroreflective
Retroreflective class Specify Class A, B or C Specify Class A, B or C
Marker Type 1
One-way one-colour
Two-way one-colour
Retroreflective Colour W
Marker ID Code G-B1-W G-B2-W
Spacing Nominal 10m Nominal 10m
Location On the lane line at the approach end of each stripe On the centre-line at the midpoint of each lane line stripe

Figure 2‑24: Line marking with raised pavement markers

Four-lane roads with line marking showing the distribution of two-way reflective white and one-way reflective white markers

View larger image [JPG, 2.7 MB]


Left-hand (shoulder) edgeline

Along unlit corridors where there is a proven need for better route guidance or general safety concerns, the left-hand edgeline may be supplemented with Category G retroreflective, Type 1 one-way, red RRPMs. These RRPMs may also be used for edgeline delineation when:

  • normal roadside delineation cannot be achieved, eg roads with wide sealed or unsealed shoulders or with environmental constraints that make it impracticable to install normal roadside delineators (refer to Table 2‑34 and Figure 2‑25);
    Table 2‑34
    Figure 2‑25
  • the enhanced night-time edge delineation has the potential to reduce the likelihood for crashes to occur.
  • there are abrupt transitions in sealed road width that may constitute a hazard; and / or
  • an improvement to the delineation of the outside of a right-hand curve (refer to Table 2‑35 and Figure 2‑26) if deemed necessary.
    Table 2‑35
    Figure 2‑26

Table 2‑34 : Arrangement of edgeline retroreflective raised pavement markers


Rural roads left-hand edgeline RRPMs




Marker Body Colour



Marker Category

Day/Night retroreflective

Day/Night retroreflective

Retroreflective class

Specify Class A, B or C

Specify Class A, B or C

Marker Type

One-way one-colour

Two-way one-colour

Retroreflective Colour



Marker ID Code




10m and 20m;

see the notes for

Table 2‑35



To the left of the continuity line, in line with the midpoints between each painted centre-line dash

Midway between every alternate painted centre-line dash.

Figure 2‑25 : Rural roads left-hand edgelines RRPMs

View larger image [JPG, 891 KB]

Table 2‑35: Arrangement of edgeline retroreflective raised pavement markers


Rural roads left-hand edgelines - curves




Marker Body Colour



Marker Category

Day/Night retroreflective

Day/Night retroreflective

Retroreflective class

Specify Class A, B or C

Specify Class A, B or C

Marker Type

One-way one-colour

Two-way one-colour

Retroreflective Colour



Marker ID Code




Nominal 20m;

refer note 1

10m and 20m


Midway between every second painted centre-line dash

Midway between every alternate painted centre-line dash.

Table 2‑35 note:

  1. The spacing of red RRPMs may be reduced to suit specific site requirements in the following manner:
    • a minimum of three markers should always be visible to drivers on tight bends with limited visibility (refer Figure 2‑26); and
    • RRPMs may be installed between alternate continuity line stripes on the outside of right-hand bends at intersections, if an improvement to delineation is deemed necessary; and
    • the needs of cyclists should be considered when RRPMs are installed at edgelines, especially if the sealed shoulder is narrow.

Figure 2‑26: Rural roads left-hand edgelines – curves

Curved two-lane rural road showing two-way reflective white with one-way reflective red markers on the edgeline

View larger image [JPG, 2.9 MB]

Right-hand flush median edgeline

These edgelines serve a similar function to no-passing lines and in unlit areas, white retroreflective raised pavement markers should be used to highlight the flush median.

Flush medians

Raised median or median barrier edgelines

Along unlit corridors where either a raised median or a median barrier is installed, the edgelines adjacent to that facility should be supplemented with yellow retroreflective raised pavement markers (refer to Table 2‑36 and Figure 2‑27).

Table 2‑36: Arrangement of edgeline retroreflective raised pavement markers

Parameter Raised median or median barrier edgelines
  Lane lines Raised median or median barrier edgelines
Marker Body Colour W
Marker Category G
Day/Night retroreflective
Day/Night retroreflective
Retroreflective class Specify Class A, B or C Specify Class A, B or C
Marker Type 1
One-way one-colour
One-way one-colour
Retroreflective Colour W
Marker ID Code G-B1-W G-B1-Y
Spacing 10m 10m

Figure 2‑27: Raised median or median barrier edgelines

Two-lane road showing one-way reflective white with one-way reflective yellow markers on media barrier edgeline

View larger image [JPG, 1.3 MB]

Urban roads

Red RRPMs may be used on the left edgeline:

  • in advance of kerb extensions: Six red mono-directional red RRPMs at 5m intervals beside the approach edgeline. The last RRPM should be located adjacent to the kerb extension.
    Refer to Table 2‑37;
  • urban arterial roads: Red RRPMs may be used on urban arterial roads where street lighting is deemed to be inadequate and where there are proven, or potential, crash hazards due to poor delineation of road edges; and
  • transitions in road width: red RRPMs may be used where there are abrupt transitions in road width that may constitute a hazard.
    Refer to One-lane bridges and other roadways

Table 2‑37: Arrangement of edgeline retroreflective raised pavement markers

Parameter Raised median or median barrier edgelines
  Left-hand edgeline in advance of kerb extensions Raised median or median barrier edgelines
Marker Body Colour R
Marker Category G
Day/Night retroreflective
Day/Night retroreflective
Retroreflective class Specify Class A, B or C Specify Class A, B or C
Marker Type 1
One-way one-colour
One-way one-colour
Retroreflective Colour R
Marker ID Code G-B1-R G-B1-Y
Spacing 5m 10m