Signs for mid-block pedestrian facilities are provided in Table 7‑1 and signs for school related pedestrian facilities are shown in Table 7‑2. For information on sign specifications such as sign size, retroreflectivity and legend details, refer to sign specifications.

Table 7‑2

Sign specifications

Table 7‑1: Pedestrian warning and advisory signs

Sign code Example Description/use


Pass safely pedestrians

 Sign showing person and a car with the words pass safely Should be installed where pedestrians use the road shoulder and there are no pedestrian facilities. Should be installed where, in the opinion of the RCA, a considerable volume of pedestrian traffic uses the road shoulder (ie is not provided with pedestrian facilities).




Should be installed where in the opinion of the RCA, roadway conditions and the likely presence of considerable numbers of pedestrians create a hazard - in particular, in advance of sections of road in areas not subject to a 50km/h speed restriction where no footpaths are available or where considerable numbers of pedestrians cross a roadway where no pedestrian crossing is provided. Where the pedestrians are predominantly children, the W16-4 Children sign should be used.

Where the pedestrians are predominantly aged, a supplementary sign W16-5.3 Aged sign may be added. For sign location see note 1.


Non-motorised users - Children


Should be installed where in the opinion of the RCA, roadway conditions and the likely presence of considerable numbers of pedestrians less than 16 years of age create a hazard. In particular, where children often congregate on sections of road without footpaths or where recreation reserves are provided with special facilities for children but the road is not subject to a 50km/h speed restriction.

No sign other than a supplementary sign W16-5.1 School – supplementary may be attached to a W16-4 sign or its support. For sign location see note 1.

Table 7-1 notes:

  1. The sign should be located where approaching drivers have an uninterrupted view of it over a distance of at least 120m in rural areas and at least 60m in urban areas. The symbol should be oriented such that the pedestrians appear to be walking towards the roadway; eg where the sign is installed on the right-hand side of the road, the symbol should be reversed. Should be installed in advance of the hazardous section by at least the distance shown in the table below.

Operating speed Distance
50km/h 65m
70km/h 100m
80km/h 120m
90km/h 140m
100km/h 160m