Paying as you go is a great option for casual or infrequent users of the toll roads. 

Pay & Go

You can pay for a toll or multiple tolls on toll roads. 

Pay & Go is toll road and vehicle specific. If you’re going to be frequently travelling on multiple toll roads or have more than one vehicle, an account may be your best option.

Toll road accounts

Payment methods

Debit or credit card

Use your Visa or Mastercard to buy or pay a Pay & Go toll(external link).


If you have internet banking, then you can buy or pay a Pay & Go toll(external link) using the POLi payments service.

Check the list of customer supported banks on the POLi website(external link)

Note: POLi is not available for business internet banking customers.


If you prefer to pay in cash (or by debit/credit card) you can pay your tolls at selected service stations (a transaction fee of $1.50 per transaction will apply).

Find a service station where you can pay a Pay & Go toll


Service stations