Finding ways to improve the safety of our roads is a key focus of our work. We’re constantly seeking out and introducing new activities and initiatives. For example, two current initiatives we’re using to make roads safer are rumble strips that signal to drivers that they are straying from the road, and school safety zones and electronic signs special signs near schools that have particular safety issues.
Driving is a full-time task in which we need to respect all other road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists. However, people sometimes make mistakes, especially when they're tired – such as allowing their vehicles to drift to the left or right of the road, and therefore putting themselves and other road users at risk.
To help prevent accidents happening, we've installed 'rumble strips' along state highway edgelines and centrelines to warn drivers and give them the opportunity to correct the situation before it becomes more dangerous. We take care to install rumble strips in places where they won't affect cyclists or where the noise they generate won't disturb nearby residents.
Learn more about our plans to extend rumble strips to a greater number of highways.
As part of our work in protecting the safety of children using roads and footpaths, special zones and signs can now be installed near schools with particular safety issues.
These include:
Read about our rural school speed management trial [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Safety improvements on high-risk rural roads and at high-risk intersections are a key area of focus for Safer Journeys. The greatest proportion of intersection crashes within high-speed environments are crossing or turning crashes between two vehicles. The RIAWS trial is based on a concept successfully developed in Sweden. New signs will:
alert passing motorists to the fact that a vehicle is approaching from a side road
reduce speed limits to 70km/h near rural intersections. The reduced speed limits will only operate at times when traffic is approaching from the side road or turning right into the side road.
Read our rural intersection activated warning signs information sheet [PDF, 98 KB]