Depending on the road section strategy, overtaking treatments include:
seal widening
overtaking in opposite direction at passing lanes and slow vehicle bays
configuration of passing lanes and slow vehicle bays (to preserve existing overtaking zones).
For more detail on where overtaking opportunities are applied, see the Tool kit of options and Long-term framework for passing and overtaking treatments, which are both under Technical information, Passing and overtaking documents.
See also appendix A Tool kit of options and appendix C Long-term framework for passing and overtaking treatments under Technical information, Conference publications, Regional passing and overtaking plans: A bridge between high-level policy and localised solutions.
Depending on the road section strategy, passing treatments include:
2+1 lanes (ie continuous alternating passing lanes)
passing lanes
crawler lanes (for specific situations, also known as climbing lanes)
slow vehicle bays
diagonally marked wide sealed shoulders (on flat/rolling gradients)
diagonally marked crawler shoulders (on hilly mountainous gradients).
For more detail on where overtaking opportunities are applied, see the Tool kit of options and Long-term framework for passing and overtaking treatments, which are both under technical information, Passing and overtaking documents.
See also appendix A Tool kit of options and appendix C Long-term framework for passing and overtaking treatments under Technical information, Conference publications, Regional passing and overtaking plans: A bridge between high-level policy and localised solutions.
As well as overtaking and passing treatments, a range of supporting treatments and measures will also be applied, depending on the road section strategy:
centreline treatments,
roadside/edgeline treatments,
intersections treatments,
resource planning measures,
education measures,
enforcement measures,
travel demand management (TDM) measures,
intelligent transport systems (ITS) measures.
For more detail on where overtaking opportunities are applied, see the Tool kit of options and Long-term framework for passing and overtaking treatments, which are both under technical information, Passing and overtaking documents.
See also appendix A Tool kit of options and appendix C Long-term framework for passing and overtaking treatments under Technical information, Conference publications, Regional passing and overtaking plans: A bridge between high-level policy and localised solutions.