High speed data collection programmes

Each year, between October and March, we survey the condition of our highways. We do this using a specialist vehicle called ‘SCRIM+’ (Sideway-force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine).

SCRIM+ collects data on range of condition aspects, which allows us to respond to any arising maintenance issues and helps ensure road users continue to travel safely.

2024/25 SCRIM+ survey programme

Check the table below for the survey start and end dates for the 2024/25 SCRIM+ survey programme in each area.

Area Projected duration Projected start date Projected end date
Manawatū-Whanganui 27 days 1-Nov-24 28-Nov-24
Hawkes Bay 4 days 4-Nov-24 8-Nov-24
Wellington 3 days 11-Nov-24 14-Nov-24
Taranaki 3 days 16-Nov-24 19-Nov-24
Central Waikato 4 days 23-Nov-24 29-Nov-24*
Tairāwhiti Roads 5 days 27-Nov-24 2-Dec-24
BoP East 8 days 29-Nov-24 4-Dec-24
BoP West 3 days 5-Dec-24 7-Dec-24
East Waikato 6 days 7-Dec-24 14-Dec-24
West Waikato 8 days 12-Dec-24 21-Dec-24
S15 & S17-Austroads Revalidation 1 day 19-Dec-24 22-Dec-24
Christmas & NY Break 13 days 21-Dec-24 3-Jan-25
Northland 9 days 5-Jan-25 14-Jan-25
Auckland (Main & Ramps) 12 days 5-Jan-25 17-Jan-25
Marlborough 3 days 19-Jan-25 22-Jan-25
Nelson 3 days 17-Jan-25 20-Jan-25
West Coast 11 days 21-Jan-25 1-Feb-25
North Canterbury 9 days 23-Jan-25 1-Feb-25
Otago Central 8 days 2-Feb-25 10-Feb-25
Southland 12 days 10-Feb-25 22-Feb-25
South Canterbury 6 days 2-Feb-25 8-Feb-25
Coastal Otago 9 days 9-Feb-25 18-Feb-25

*Central Waikato partial completion due to ongoing accelerated works programme

Last updated: 10 Decmeber 2024