With only 6% of New Zealand’s road lighting assets being on state highways, the document has been written for both local and state highway networks, taking a 'one network' approach.
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has developed these guidelines to assist lighting asset owners, design consultants and suppliers capture the maximum benefits from newer lighting technologies, particularly LED road lighting. To assist designers, suppliers and purchasers, information on the luminaire acceptance process and economic analysis spreadsheets has been provided, along with a recent conference paper outlining the background to the specification development.
Specification and guidelines for road lighting design (M30)
See Street lights
Specification for lighting columns (M26)
NZTA is duty bound to act in an environmentally and socially responsible manner and as such wants to ensure the responsible disposal of disused luminaries.
Disposal of disused luminaries in landfill can result in negative environmental impacts from heavy metals contained in the luminaries, such as cooper, mercury or zinc.
Disposal of luminaries to landfill must be in accordance with the waste acceptance criteria for landfills; these criteria are contained under the Module 2 - Hazardous waste guidelines: landfill waste acceptance criteria and landfill classification, Ministry for the Environment 2004.
Any landfills in New Zealand consented prior to the publishing of the guidelines may have different acceptance levels.
NZTA has an objective to make resource efficiency an integral part of state highway activities. Recycling of luminaries is preferred where possible. Disposal to landfill shall be consistent with landfill acceptance criteria.
NZTA requires state highway construction projects and network maintenance contracts to develop an Environmental and Social Management Plan. These plans are required to identify environmental impacts that require risk management and identify key actions required to ensure legal compliance. The method to manage disposal of disused luminaries shall be outlined in relevant Environment and Social Management Plans.
NZTA is currently reviewing the M30 Specification and guidelines for road lighting design to ensure luminaries are recycled and/or disposed of appropriately.
For further information contact trafficandsafety@nzta.govt.nz.