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NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is responsible for providing a safe and reliable transport system, and achieving value for money throughout the full asset lifecycle.


  • Demonstrate high levels of integrity in everything we do
  • Be a trusted partner to key stakeholders
  • Demonstrate sound decision making and review processes
  • Demonstrate our people, processes, and structures consistently deliver on our strategy and demonstrate good value for money to the users of the road network
  • Give investor's confidence that Waka Kotahi runs a high performing business.

The quality of assets delivered by capital projects has a direct impact on the cost of maintenance and operation throughout the total asset lifecycle.

Asset lifecycle diagram

Asset lifecycle


BC – Business case
PC – Practical completion
M&O – Maintenance and operations


The Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) supporting the capital delivery and maintenance programme of Waka Kotahi is underpinned by the ISO 9001 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

Quality framework

The QAF is defined by the following:

Documents: Contract proformas, technical standards, minimum requirements, guidelines and forms.

Processes: An ISO 9001 principles based quality management system.

Measurement: Project specific key result areas (KRAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs), non-conformance reporting, progressive works completion and handover.

Project support: Technical Services team (OP3) at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency project lifecycle support workstream. 

Technology: Planview for performance reporting.