The NZ Transport Agency conducts its commercial dealings with integrity. The assessment of Unsolicited Proposals is undertaken through the application of established probity principles that aim to assure all parties of the integrity of the decision-making processes.
The key principles are as follows:
Fair and impartial treatment will be applied throughout the process. There will be cleared defined duties, and a separation of duties between assessors and approvers.
All participants will be held accountable for their actions. Each stage will be appropriately documented, with feedback mechanisms embedded throughout the process. Transparency means there is a preparedness to open the process for scrutiny and debate. Relevant summary information regarding proposals under consideration at Stage 2 will be made publicly available as appropriate.
The Transport Agency requires the identification, management and monitoring of conflicts of interest. Participants will be required to disclose any current or past relationships of connections that may have actual or perceived influence over the integrity of the assessment process.
In the assessment of Unsolicited Proposal there is need for information to be kept confidential, at least for a specified period of time. This is in order to provide participants with confidence in the integrity of the proposal. All proposals submitted will be kept confidential at Stage 1 of the assessment process.
As a fundamental principle of Transport Agency procurement, the process allows for innovative ideas and concepts to be demonstrate how value can be provided in the eyes of the Government. Stage 2 includes the assessment of Value for Money outcomes associated with the proposal. This is subject to scrutiny by a Transport Agency appointed probity officer.