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Key result area guidelines

The network outcome contract (NOC) specifies the key results areas (KRA) and key performance indicators (KPI) to be measured to evaluate the overall performance of the Contractor.

The KRA Framework evolves over time to align to the strategic direction or specific improvement areas where NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) would like to focus.

Updates happen prior to the start of the financial year in which they go live for the Contractor.

Version 7.07 of the KRA performance framework guidelines came into effect from 1 July 2024 for the financial year 2024–25.

KRA performance framework guidelines v7.07 [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Pavement condition engagement sessions

In January and February 2024 Te Toki Manawa – Programmes and Standards hosted engagement sessions focused on the new Pavement Condition KPI.

Thank you to our presenters for sharing their time and valuable insight. A recording of the session is available below.

Recording of the session 

Engagement session presentation document [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Frequently asked questions [PDF, 233 KB] 

Resource Efficiency and Waste Minimisation Key Performance Indicator

We have developed a data collection form to support the Resource Efficiency Policy and the Resource Efficiency & Waste Minimisation (REWM) key performance indicator (KPI) measure, under the NZTA KRA performance framework guidelines.

Resource efficiency and waste minimisation data collection form

If you have any questions or requests for guidance about the REWM KPI or the form, contact

REWM KPI roadshow

In May 2022 our IAG KRA-sub group session focused on the new Resource Efficiency KPI. Several presenters kindly shared tools and tips and experiences, including: 

Thank you to our presenters for sharing their time and valuable insight. A recording of the session is available here.

Highway incident management protocol memorandum of understanding

The purpose of the memorandum of understanding is to ensure NZTA and Emergency Services have a common operational protocol to deal with incidents on the highway to ensure the effective and efficient resolution of incidents.

Emergency procedures and preparedness plan (EPPP) template

NZTA recognises the need to provide a consistent approach to managing incidents across our network and the importance of our contractors response during these events.

The template defines the roles, practices and procedures in preparation for and during an incident response and should be completed in collaboration with our NOC teams.

Emergency procedures and preparedness plan (EPPP) template [DOCX, 12 MB]

NZTA approach to resilience

State highway network outcomes contract visual audit guideline

The guideline provides guidance on interpretation of the operational performance measures (OPM) within the network outcome contract and describes how these should be assessed in the field.

State highway network outcomes contract visual audit guideline

Specification for design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities

This specification details the NZTA requirements for the design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities on the state highway network.

Specification for design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities

Winter services requirements

The Winter service requirements details the operational requirements in place in order to deliver the required level of service within those areas where winter weather conditions have an impact on the operation of the network.

Winter service requirements [PDF, 345 KB]

Z series

The following Z series are referenced within the NOCs:

For further information contact