Intelligent transport systems


Intelligent transport systems (ITS) apply technology solutions to deliver operational and transport management outcomes, as well as contributing to safer roads. 

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency owns and operates a significant number of ITS. The ITS equipment supports traffic operations and incident management, and ranges from traffic signals and variable message signs through to the supporting ITS communication network infrastructure to transport operations centres (TOCs).

Each ITS asset requires a set of unique and unambiguous requirements for successful implementation and operation of the asset. This is delivered through published standards and specifications (S&S) documents.

Contact us

Our ITS S&S team works collaboratively with subject matter experts (SMEs), transport designers and planners, and the ITS industry to produce new or update ITS S&S documentation that is easily accessible.

ITS S&S provide a clear understanding of our requirements during the procurement process for our suppliers, designers and systems integration people.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding ITS S&S documentation or the framework, please email 


Welcome to the website for ITS

Register to help shape ITS in NZ

A crucial part of ITS S&S documentation is the feedback you provide. Get involved in reviewing draft ITS S&S documents and help shape ITS in New Zealand. You only need to register on our webpage and you will receive communication from us regarding the documents you want to provide feedback on.