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Standards, guidelines and specifications provide an opportunity to clearly specify expectations around minimum levels of service, consolidate practical experience gained by the organisation and disseminate specific specialist knowledge relating to highway construction operation and maintenance so this knowledge can be applied efficiently and consistently across the organisation. In some cases we have designed specific tools to capture proven methodologies so they can be consistently and widely applied to SH work. 

In order to ensure value-for-money and consistent environmental impact assessment and mitigation across the state highway network, the Environment and Urban Design team works closely with project managers to collect best practices, identify relevant international trends and develop New Zealand specific standards, guidelines and tools.

In order for a new standard, guideline or specification to be implemented, its purpose and content is scrutinised through a consultation and formal ratification process.

The Z19 State highway environmental and social responsibility standard explains to Transport Agency project managers and their teams how and where to implement the Transport Agency's environmental and social requirements in the inception and implementation of any highway work, including undertaking and recording public engagement. There is a summary of public engagement requirements by project phase.

State highway public engagement guidelines

The State highway public engagement guidelines set out the Transport Agency’s engagement policy and provides guidance for deciding when and how to engage the public. Although a Highways and Network Operations (HNO) document, the principles contained in this document are applicable across the Transport Agency for any public engagement or consultation process. When dealing with impacts on communities, reference should also be made to the Transport Agency’s Guide to assessing social impacts for state highway projects (2015).

Guide to assessing social impacts for state highway projects (draft)

This guide seeks to achieve a nationally consistent approach to carrying out social impact assessment for state highway projects at all stages of a project’s life cycle. This approach is intended to provide certainty and clarity of expectations for our customers and for the Agency and to appropriately deliver on our commitments to social responsibility.

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