
The implementation phase incorporates the construction and associated management and surveillance of a project. 

Refer to the procurement section in Technical disciplines for further information about this stage. 

Benefit realisation

Document any scope changes or value engineering impact on outcomes. 

Further information can be found on the benefit realisation page.

Technical requirements

For each phase of the business case process there are technical requirements that may be relevant to your project that will need to be considered and included in addition to general guidance and templates. Aligned to the business case philosophy, suppliers are required to meet more technical requirements as an activity progresses through the business case phases. 

Outlined below are the technical requirements for completing the implementation phase, by subject matter.

Suppliers are required to comply with these requirements except where varied within the scope of a contract. 

For further information or advice, contact the relevant team.

Subject matterTechnical requirementsInformationContact
Community and stakeholder engagement Review contractor's engagement plan
Plan should be appropriate for scale of project and reflect the outcomes of engagement at previous phases
Engagement and consultation
Environment team
Economics Economic viability tables - detailed benefits / benefit cost ratios of options Economic evaluation manual
Economic Evaluation team
Outcome delivery - detailed benefits by benefit type Economic evaluation manual
Risk analysis table 8.3 of the DBC template - sensitivity testing Economic evaluation manual
Environment and social responsibility Review and audit Contractor ESMPs   Environment team
Ensure outgoing monitoring requirements are carried out  
Geotechnical Construction review certificate(s) for earth slopes Bridge manual appendix F 
Model documents in annex F2
Structures team
Property Update Disposal 5 year rolling programme. Prepare cadastral survey plans and obtain approval from all stakeholders before the plans are lodged. Upon completion update Land Use Plans. Initiate the vesting of the land as road as soon as the Survey Plan is approved. Initiate the Declaration of the Road as a State Highway or Motorway as soon as the legalisation of the route is complete. Identify any designations to be revoked, deal with any encroachments and disposal of surplus parcels    Property team
Road safety

Follow the Road safety audit procedure - detailed design

Safe system compliant roadside/median

Note: guidelines relating to the process for consideration of the issues raised by the RSA process are contained in the Project management manual SM011 

Road safety audit procedures

Safety page

Project management manual

Safety team

Review of compliance with guidelines

Review exception report and amend as required

Austroads guide to road design parts 3, 4 and 6

Technical memoranda

HIP Safety page

Statutory approvals

Integrate environmental and social commitments into procurement process including:

  • Details of the relevant statutory approvals granted, including supporting plans and conditions
  • Requirement to use and maintain the Transport Agency's consent compliance management system (CS-Vue)
  • A copy of the Urban design framework (where applicable)
  • Copies of any Environmental and social management plans for the project that need to form part of the Contractor's Environmental and social management plan
  • Technical specifications and principal requirements

Subject matter specifications

Principal requirements

Environment team
Structures Construction review certificate(s) for bridges and other highway structures (category 1, 2, 3 and 4 and uncategorised structures) 

Bridge manual appendix F
Model documents in annex F2 

Structures team
Updates to bridge data recorded by completing structural and descriptiveBridge data system BDS input forms Bridge data system structural guide and forms
Transport modelling Economic viability - detailed benefits  Transport model development guidance Design Practice and Solutions team

For further information contact SM030@nzta.govt.nz.