Business Case Approach to project development

NZTA uses the Business Case Approach (BCA) as the basis for activity and programme development for investment through the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). In 2023 we refreshed our BCA guidance to ensure it's up-to-date and to provide more information about the five-case model as well as the business case phases.

Business Case Approach guidance

We’ve consolidated information for NZTA projects with guidance for all BCA users. Technical requirements for NZTA can now be found on our references and standards page.

References and standards for the Business Case Approach

For further information contact the Business Case Process team at

Planning and Investment Knowledge Base

The NZTA Planning and Investment Knowledge Base (PIKB) sets out the operational policy and processes for developing and implementing the NLTP, to give effect to the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS).

Planning and Investment Knowledge Base

Standards and guidelines catalogue, development and approval process

The NZTA Standards and Guidelines framework includes a catalogue of ratified standards and a range of improvement and review processes aimed at ensuring NZTA, approved organisations and our suppliers deliver excellence in transport system functions, infrastructure activities and outcomes. 

Standards and guidelines