Sunstrike can happen at any time during the day, but is most likely during sunrise or sunset, when the sun’s rays are at a low angle. This can make it difficult, or even impossible, to see. This is a very dangerous condition to ride in.
Follow these to avoid a crash.
Reducing the danger of sunstrike
- Be prepared for possible sunstrike when riding at sunrise or sunset, especially when turning or riding towards the sun.
- Be especially careful in winter, when sunstrike is more likely because the sun is lower in the sky.
- Keep your visor clean, as dust and grime on the visor can make the effects of sunstrike much worse.
- Wear sunglasses when riding with the sun in your eyes or choose a helmet with a visor.
- If you experience sunstrike, it may be safest to pull over and wait for a few minutes until your eyes adjust or visibility improves.
- Be careful if snow has fallen and the sky is clear – sunlight shining on snow can cause snow blindness, which produces similar effects to sunstrike.