It's rare to come across only one hazard at a time when riding. Most of the time you'll have to deal with several hazards at once.
This means you'll need to stay aware of all the hazards, but give most attention to the hazard that's most likely to develop into a dangerous situation and require you to take urgent action.
These images show scenes involving multiple hazards for the motorcyclist.
Remember, the main hazard is the one that's most likely to require you to take urgent action.
Hazard A is the main hazard. The cyclist is about to pull out around the parked car and move into the path of the motorcycle.
Hazard B is the main hazard. This car is reversing out of a parking space and is about to enter the path of the motorcycle.
Hazard D is the main hazard. This car is about to turn across the path of the motorcycle.
Hazard B is the main hazard. The child’s attention is focused on the adult on the other side of the road. Remember, the child may try to cross the road without looking.