
Displaying 631 - 640 results of 693 for "temporary traffic"

Research Report 070 Dynamic load effects of heavy vehicles on NZ highway bridges

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Impact factors were recorded on main members and deck slabs (where appropriate) of 12 bridges of between 9 and 30 metre span, under normal traffic conditions. Correlation of impact factor was checked against span length, natural frequency, damping

Research Report 390 The waterproofness of first-coat chipseal

Category: Integrated land use and transport systems , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research project, undertaken in 2006 to 2008, confirms that traffic can force water through firstcoat chipseal surfacings that do not visually show signs of cracking. The research measured the change in moisture content after rain on a number

Bridge manual

Part of the ‘Bridge manual (SP/M/022)’ resource.

This Bridge manual sets out the criteria for the design and evaluation of bridges, culverts, stock underpasses and subways, the design of earthworks and retaining structures.

Research Report 038 Effect of dust palliatives on unsealed roads in New Zealand

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

and surface dressing techniques, while the WBPDC test sections used the surface dressing technique only. The test sections were monitored by photographing the dust plume generated by a test vehicle trafficking each test section at regular intervals

Basecourse aggregate

Category: Construction , Pavement & surfacing , Specifications | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This specification and guidance notes set out requirements for basecourse aggregate for use on state highways and other heavily trafficked roadways. M/4 is the reference or standard specification for primary basecourse for heavy duty use in flexible pavements with thin surfacings. The major changes were published on April 2006.

Research Report 089 Typical accident rates for rural passing lanes and unsealed roads

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

of passing lane on rural sections of New Zealand state highways, and for rural unsealed sections of state highways and local roads. Where there was sufficient data, rates were also calculated for several traffic volume and terrain severity

Research Report 084 Replication of VTI's stationary laser profilometer for measuring road surface profiles

Category: CAPTIF , Research & reports

resolution than is typically possible with vehiclebased systems. The instrument is similar to that which has previously been designed and developed by the Swedish Road and Traffic Research Institute (VTI). The Transit New Zealand laser profilometer

Research Report 707 A narrative literature review of the effectiveness of interventions to reduce light vehicle travel

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports

transport passes included shuttle services to major public transport hubs and extensive promotion. Keywords: car use reduction, driving reduction, light vehicle travel, mobility management, mode shift, road traffic reduction, transport intervention

Bridge Manual Edition 2

Part of the ‘Bridge manual (SP/M/022)’ resource.

This Bridge manual sets out the criteria for the design and evaluation of bridges, culverts, stock underpasses and subways, the design of earthworks and retaining structures.