
Displaying 621 - 630 results of 693 for "temporary traffic"

Research Report 489 The costs of congestion reappraised

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The purpose of this research was to develop improved approaches to assessing the costs of urban traffic congestion and to make corresponding estimates of the costs of congestion in Auckland (New Zealand). Various definitions of congestion were

Research Report 629 System dynamics investigation of freight flows, economic development and network performance

Category: Performance monitoring , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: General, Road traffic engineers & consultants

The purpose of this research was to investigate if and how systems dynamic (SD) modelling could be used for understanding traffic flows at an interregional (state highway) level, in the context of improving understanding of the relationship between

Research Report 045 Tourism benefits from sealing roads: user survey of Milford Sound road

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

interviews with tourist organisations in Te Anau and with tour operators who operate into Milford Sound. Some changes in tourist activity as a result of the road sealing have been identified, but changes to tourism expenditure or tourist numbers are not confirmed. Keywords: Bus, coach, Milford Sound, New Zealand, rental cards, roads, tourism, traffic trends, unsealed roads

Research Report 295 The effect of crushing on the skid resistance of chipseal roads

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

) results from core samples and laboratoryprepared chipseal surfaces that show the relationships are presented. Keywords: aggregate, chipseal, crushing, macrotexture, microtexture, PSV, skid resistance, roads, traffic

Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) programme

Category: Planning, design, funding, building, maintenance of the transport network , Guidance for specialists | Audience: Road controlling authorities

allowed for expected ranges of climatic and soil conditions, traffic volumes, the strength of the pavements and its age and condition to be considered. Six survey rounds have been completed on each of these LTPP sections. The LTTP programme pamphlet

Research Report 226 Curve advisory speeds in New Zealand

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research project investigated the use of curve advisory speed signs in New Zealand. A literature review identified key issues to examine. Current traffic behaviour at the location of curve advisory speed signs was observed in order to determine

Research Report 246 Personalised marketing demonstration study for Birkenhead Auckland

Category: Integrated land use and transport systems , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

and aftersurveys (using travel diaries). The results achieved in the trial were similar to those obtained in other personalised marketing programmes. Keywords: buses, cars, cycling, marketing, New Zealand, public transport, road, safety, traffic, transport modes, walking

Research Report 256 Prediction of skid resistance performance of chipseal roads in New Zealand

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

provides 95% certainty that the predicted value of skid resistance will be within ±0.08 MSSC of observed values. The model inputs are limited to PSV, HCV traffic, seal age and aggregate average least dimension (ALD). However, significant

Research Report 136 Park and ride policies and criteria

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Australia) as a major component of urban transport policies to restrain road traffic and to encourage public transport use. This report describes a project, carried out in 1998, to develop guidelines and criteria to assist in the planning and demand

Research Report 161 Model for forecasting vehicle ownership in New Zealand

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

path to saturation, is explained, then applied to develop a series of national forecasts of vehicle ownership per person. An approach for deriving regional forecasts that are consistent with the national forecasts is also described. Keywords: Forecasting, modelling, New Zealand, ownership, roads, traffic, vehicles