
Displaying 391 - 400 results of 693 for "temporary traffic"

NZ Transport Agency Statement of intent 2012–2015

Category: Statements of intent , Corporate publications | Audience: General

This Statement of intent (SoI) sets out an approach and course of action for the next three years that will contribute to the delivery of the government's land transport objectives and wider transport vision.

Factsheet list by category

Part of the ‘Factsheet index’ resource.

Waka Kotahi factsheets provide information on transport safety, standards and processes.

State highway user survey

Part of the ‘State highway user survey for Transit NZ 2006’ resource.

The 2006 state highway user survey reports the opinions, preferences and priorities of a random national sample of 1500 road users, and 325 truck drivers.

Regional Summary

Part of the ‘National Land Transport Programme (NLTP): Manawatu-Whanganui 2009–2012’ resource.

Manawatu-Whanganui is strategically important in the lower North Island as a transport hub, both for north-south and east-west travel and as a focal point for a wide range of social services for the central North Island.

About SMS

Part of the ‘About Safety Management Systems (SMS)’ resource.

Safety management systems encourage road controlling authorities to adopt safety management systems. These systems ensure that decisions about construction, maintenance and management of road networks consider safety and help achieve targets and goal…

Tyres And Wheels Amendment 2007 2 Qa

Part of the ‘Land Transport Rule: Tyres and Wheels 2001’ resource.

This rule sets requirements relating to tyres and wheels and their assembly with hubs and axles, on all motor vehicles and also on pedal cycles.

Vehicle Standards Compliance Amendment 2007 2 Qa

Part of the ‘Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002’ resource.

This rule sets out standards and safety requirements for lighting equipment that is fitted to a vehicle (including a pedal cycle), to allow the vehicle to be operated safely and not endanger the safety of other road users.

Road User Amendment 2007 2 Qa

Part of the ‘Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004’ resource.

This rule establishes the rules under which traffic operates on roads.