
Displaying 161 - 170 results of 693 for "temporary traffic"

Research Report 243 An integrated traffic model for Auckland cities

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This study carried out in 1999–2002, attempted to demonstrate and quantify benefits of an integrated approach to traffic signalisation and management of urban street networks that straddle boundaries of Transit New Zealand and Local Authority

Regional Summary

Part of the ‘National Land Transport Programme (NLTP): Northland 2009–2012’ resource.

The Northland NLTP seeks to improve connectivity within the Northland region and between Northland and the rest of the country to help stimulate economic growth and productivity.


Part of the ‘National Land Transport Programme (NLTP): Otago 2009–2012’ resource.

Maintaining state highways and local roads will be a top priority for the Otago region in the next 10 years, to ensure existing capacity enables economic growth and productivity in the region.

Appendix C

Part of the ‘A New Zealand guide to the treatment of crash locations’ resource.

This guide provides procedures for the treatment of traffic crash locations in New Zealand.

#20-20 Tactile indicator installation note

Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The purpose of this technical note is to provide some high-level recommended practice to contractors carrying out the installation of tactile pavers as requested in an industry survey in 2018.


Part of the ‘Stops and goes of traffic signals’ resource.

This booklet describes how the safety and/or effectiveness of traffic signals could be improved.

#16-01 Notice to industry: wire rope safety barrier systems – post footing issues

Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Over recent months, the NZ Transport Agency has been made aware of a number of issues associated with the failure under impact of wire rope safety barrier (WRSB) post footings.

Steering Systems Amendment 2010 Qa

Part of the ‘Land Transport Rule: Steering Systems 2001’ resource.

This rule covers the design, construction and maintenance of steering systems in motor vehicles.


Part of the ‘New Zealand pedestrian profile’ resource.

This profile aims to make visible the extent and importance of pedestrian activity and injury in New Zealand.