
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 18 for ""

New Zealand vehicle fleet – raw open data for specialist use

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: Vehicle traders

The raw New Zealand vehicle fleet open data provides a version of the New Zealand vehicle fleet open data that has not been algorithmically cleaned.

New Zealand vehicle fleet open data sets

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: General

The New Zealand vehicle fleet open data provides a point-in-time ‘snapshot’ of all vehicles currently registered in New Zealand.

Road safety outcomes

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: General

These reports provide quarterly summaries of latest statistics and trends for areas of concern in New Zealand's road safety programme under the Safer Journeys strategy.

Road death statistics

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: General

New Zealand statistics covering road fatalities and fatal crashes, updated daily.

State highway traffic volumes 1975–2020

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: Road controlling authorities

This information comes from the Transport Agency's state highway traffic data collection system.

Rail safety statistics

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: General

New Zealand rail safety statistics covering rail accident deaths and serious injuries, vehicle collisions, level crossing events, SPAD As (Signals Passed at Danger), derailments, and contextual indicators.

State highway traffic volumes monthly reports 2008–17

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

Traffic monitoring information is fundamental for the management of the state highway network.

Analysis of trespasser accidents

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: Rail participants

Trespasser accidents represent a major proportion of deaths and injuries on New Zealand’s railway corridor.

Open Data Portal

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: General

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's public platform for exploring and downloading open data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important local issues.

Land transport statistics 2001–09

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: Local & regional government

Statistics, works completed and costs of providing transport - compiled annually by the NZ Transport Agency using data received from all territorial authorities in New Zealand.