
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 73 for ""

MR1B Application to license motor vehicle

Category: Vehicle licensing , Forms | Audience: Motorists

Use this form to relicense your vehicle for 1 to 12 months.

DL22 Application to rebook a driver licence test

Category: Driver licensing , Forms | Audience: Motorists

Use this form if you’ve completed an application for a driver licence or endorsement and need to sit or resit your test.

Applying to use TORO

Category: Forms | Audiences: Heavy vehicle operators, Roading contractors

If you’re a transport service licence holder, use the Transport Organisation Register Online (TORO) to check that you only have licensed drivers driving your company vehicles.

Driver licensing course certificates

Category: Driver licensing , Driver licensing , Forms , Guidance for specialists | Audience: General

If you're a Waka Kotahi approved course provider, use the link below to order certificates for customers who successfully complete the courses you provide.

Vehicle certification complaints form (VCCPF01)

Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Motorists

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is responsible for ensuring that vehicle inspection and certification is carried out in accordance with the Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM) and Land Transport Rules.

Application to become a vehicle inspector (VI1B)

Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

This form is used when applying to become a Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency vehicle inspector for the issuing of warrants of fitness (WoF).