
Displaying 21 - 30 results of 107 for ""

State highway forecasts

Category: State highway forecasts , Corporate publications | Audience: Road controlling authorities

Transit NZ previously published an annual State highway plan and forecast, detailing planned state highway maintenance and capital improvements.

Cycling strategic assessment

Category: Strategy , Walking & cycling , Corporate publications | Audience: General

This strategic assessment outlines why we are investing more in cycling and working with our partners and stakeholders to make cycling a safer and more attractive transport choice.

Chief executive's business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure

Category: CE's expenses , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency publishes spreadsheets outlining the business expenses incurred by our chief executive officer, as well as any gifts or hospitality given or received over the value of $100.

Work time variation for critical agricultural operations

Category: Corporate publications | Audience: Heavy vehicle operators

The Land Transport Act 1998 allows operators of vehicles working on critical agricultural tasks to apply for a 'variation' to legal work time hours.

Transit New Zealand annual reports

Category: Annual reports , Corporate publications | Audience: General

About 15 months after the statement of intent is published, the annual report is published to focus on what actually happened.

Briefings to the incoming Minister of Transport

Category: Corporate publications | Audience: General

After a change of government or when a new Minister of Transport is appointed, a briefing document is written to help the Minister understand the key issues faced by the Transport Agency and our approach to them.

Rail action plan: continuous improvement in rail safety regulation

Category: Corporate publications | Audiences: General, Rail participants

The rail action plan outlines the areas in rail safety that we will focus attention on over the next few years.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Statement of performance expectations – main index

Category: Statements of performance expectations , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Our Statement of performance expectations (SPE) sets out how we will measure the financial and non-financial performance of the activities we deliver and invest in (output classes), and provides forecast financial statements.

2016/17 State Highway Plan

Category: Corporate publications | Audience: Roading contractors

The purpose of this document is to communicate our state highway annual work programme.

Tiakina Te Taiao – Our Sustainability Monitoring Report

Category: Corporate publications , Research & reports | Audiences: Communities, General, Local & regional government, Road controlling authorities

An underpinning action in Toitū Te Taiao – Our Sustainability Action Plan was to establish a sustainability monitoring framework and report.