
Displaying 711 - 716 results of 716 for ""

Research Report 010 Accident countermeasures: literature review

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The Accident Countermeasures Research project provides information about the accident reductions that could be expected under New Zealand conditions if particular accident countermeasures are implemented.

Vehicle Kilometres Travelled Reduction Public Transport Base and Target Forecast Study

Category: Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The Emissions Reduction Plan includes a target to reduce national light vehicle kilometres travelled by 20% (relative to projected growth) by 2035.

Research Report 101 Pavement temperature models

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Temperature regime data from trial pavement sections at four sites in New Zealand was reviewed for the purposes of this project, which was principally aimed at establishing a suitable computer model for predicting pavement temperature regimes.

Research Report 664 Risks of driving when affected by cannabis, MDMA (ecstasy) and methamphetamine and the deterrence of such behaviour: a literature review

Category: Healthy and safe people , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This literature review research report on the risks of driving under the influence of drugs and on enforcement of drug driving laws was carried out to inform policy development, including cost-benefit analysis of potential changes to roadside enforce…

Research Note 001 Working from home policy and practice review

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown presented an opportunity to understand how increased work from home (WFH) practice could be continued in New Zealand in the longer term.