
Displaying 441 - 450 results of 1164 for ""

Road safety issues – South Wairarapa district

Category: Wellington Region , Road safety issues , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

An assessment of the key road safety issues in the South Wairarapa district - used for targeting actions to reduce casualties.

Road assets – Whanganui district

Category: Manawatu/ Whanganui Region , Road assets , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

Statistics, works completed, trends in condition, use and costs for roads - compiled annually by NZ Transport Agency using data received from each territorial authority in New Zealand.

Land transport at a glance – Whanganui District

Category: Manawatu/ Whanganui Region , Land transport at a glance , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A brief overview of transport and the context within which transport is provided in the Whanganui District.

Road assets – Whakatane district

Category: Bay of Plenty Region , Road assets , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

Statistics, works completed, trends in condition, use and costs for roads - compiled annually by NZ Transport Agency using data received from each territorial authority in New Zealand.

Road safety issues – Far North district 2002–10

Category: Northland Region , Road safety issues , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

An assessment of the key road safety issues in the Far North district - used for targeting actions to reduce casualties.

Road safety data – Kawerau district

Category: Bay of Plenty Region , Road safety data , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A comprehensive compilation of road safety crash and casualty data in the Kawerau area.

Land transport at a glance – Kapiti Coast District

Category: Wellington Region , Land transport at a glance , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A brief overview of transport and the context within which transport is provided in the Kapiti Coast District.

Research Report 162 Polymer-modified bitumen emulsion as chipseal binder in high-stress areas on New Zealand roads

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

A high binder content (78%) polymer-modified bitumen emulsion used in a 'racked-in' sealing system was trialed from 1993 to 1995 as a surfacing in high traffic stress areas for New Zealand roads.

Road safety issues – South Waikato district 2002–10

Category: Waikato Region , Road safety issues , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

An assessment of the key road safety issues in the South Waikato district - used for targeting actions to reduce casualties.

Road safety data – Whakatane district

Category: Bay of Plenty Region , Road safety data , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A comprehensive compilation of road safety crash and casualty data in the Whakatane area.