
Displaying 341 - 350 results of 716 for ""

Accessibility tool engagement research

Category: Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The purpose of this research project is to define the required and desirable elements of an accessibility modelling tool.

Research Report 672 Leveraging transport disruption to influence change

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research was commissioned to identify learnings from prior, major transport disruptions to provide insights on the best approaches for bringing about positive and sustained changes in people’s transport behaviours arising from the COVID-19 pande…

Research Report 671 Developing a method for quantifying transport interdependencies

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This study was carried out to get a better understanding of the interdependencies between transport and other infrastructure so that a more resilient transport network can be achieved.

Research Report 670 Better measurement of the direct and indirect costs and benefits of resilience

Category: Resilience and security , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research was undertaken as currently the techniques and methodologies in the Economic Evaluation Manual relating to valuing resilience in transport appraisal are under-developed.

Research Report 668 A cross portfolio consideration of interventions impacting transport safety outcomes

Category: Healthy and safe people , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This project aimed to identify interventions outside of the traditional transport sector with spill-over effects on road safety and to inform future evaluations of road safety interventions on how to include road safety co-benefits in programme desig…

Research Report 666 Social impact assessment of mode shift

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research was commissioned to inform decision-makers about the social impacts of mode shift, and to enhance the likelihood that benefits will be equitably shared.

Research Report 681 Framework for evacuation routes

Category: Resilience and security , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

A primary requirement of the transport system is for efficient evacuation routes and associated facilities such as signage that will enable people to move safely and quickly away from hazards and major impacts.

Research Report 678 Impacts of a public sector e-bike scheme: Final evaluation report

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports

Waka Kotahi launched the public sector electric bike (e-bike) purchase support initiative in late 2019 to make e-bikes more affordable for public sector employees, and to provide an example for other sectors to follow.

Research Report 676 Latent demand for walking and cycling

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports

This research was undertaken to help inform network planning for walking or cycling which is commonly undertaken with limited evidence or unreliable data.

Research Report 581 The role public transport can play in Safer Journeys and, in particular, to advance the Safe System approach

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The key objectives of this research were to identify the contribution that urban public transport (PT), which is generally considered safer than travel by light motor vehicles, can make to the Safe System approach, and to develop an implementation pl…