
Displaying 101 - 110 results of 502 for ""

#21-04 Minimum standard Z19: Environmental and social responsibility – interim update 2021

Category: Environment , Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise that the Minimum standard Z19: Environmental and social responsibility standard (ESR standard) has been updated and is available for use on the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency website.

Applying to use TORO

Category: Forms | Audiences: Heavy vehicle operators, Roading contractors

If you’re a transport service licence holder, use the Transport Organisation Register Online (TORO) to check that you only have licensed drivers driving your company vehicles.

#21-02 NZTA Z08:2020 Minimum standard for inspection, sampling and testing

Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to communicate the need for all contractors and consultants working on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency infrastructure projects to implement the new minimum standard for inspection, sampling and testing.

Buffered advance stop box

Category: Guidance for specialists | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Many trucks have significant blind spots around the cab.

Digger placement on a truck

Category: Commercial drivers & operators , Road codes , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Heavy vehicle operators, Road controlling authorities, Roading contractors

This information sheet provides advice on how to safely transport a machine, taking into account the sides of the carrying vehicle and the machine’s surface area on the bed of the carrying vehicle.

#20-19 Contract procedures manual (SM021)

Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise that the third edition, amendment 2 of the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) Contract procedures manual (SM021), has been released to be used for all procurement and is available for download from the Waka Kotahi we…

Risk management process manual

Category: Administration , Manuals | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The risk management process, to be applied to aspects of the NZ Transport Agency's business, is described along with details on roles and responsibilities and communication of significant risks.

Research Report 578 Removing barriers to the use of crumb rubber in roads

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: General, Roading contractors

The purpose of this research was to identify the barriers to using tyre-derived crumb rubber in bitumen binder in New Zealand roading and the methods to remove these barriers to create market demand for New Zealand waste tyre-derived products.

Research Report 577 Criteria and guidance for the design of integral bridges in New Zealand

Category: Publication Category , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: General, Roading contractors

The use of integral and semi-integral bridges in New Zealand is fairly common practice due to advantages in ease of construction and savings in maintenance and whole-of-life costs.

Research Report 574 Geosynthetics in basecourse stablisation

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The application of geosynthetics (ie geogrids) for the stabilisation of basecourses prepared with a River Run rounded gravel aggregate was investigated.