
Displaying 101 - 110 results of 340 for ""

State highway traffic volumes 1975–2020

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: Road controlling authorities

This information comes from the Transport Agency's state highway traffic data collection system.

Infrastructure procurement strategy

Category: Project & contract management , Manuals | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants

The Waka Kotahi infrastructure procurement strategy (IPS) 2023 focuses on 5 key focus areas to enhance the planning and delivery of our infrastructure procurement portfolio.

Vehicle Dimension and Mass Rule Amendment 2010: funding and investment guidelines

Category: Guidance for specialists | Audience: Road controlling authorities

These guidelines on funding and investment relate to the implementation of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Amendment 2010 (the 2010 VDAM amendment) Note: This guide is correct at the time of publication (May 2010).

Traffic notes

Category: Road safety , Planning, design, funding, building, maintenance of the transport network , Guidance for specialists | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Traffic notes provide traffic safety information and guidance which may apply to all types of roads.

Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022

Category: Setting of speed limits , Land transport rules | Audiences: General, Road controlling authorities

This Rule establishes an integrated speed management planning process that considers how safety infrastructure, safety cameras and speed limits can be combined effectively to help achieve a safe transport system.