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Class 1 load pilot application form

Category: Forms | Audience: General

Application form to become a class 1 load pilot.

Research Report 224 Environmental protection measures on NZ state highway roading projects – volume 1: reference guide to past practice

Category: Environmental impacts of land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This project was undertaken in 2001 to review environmental protection measures that have been applied through the Resource Management Act (RMA) process, to a sample of 35 state highway roading projects constructed in New Zealand, between the years 1…

Research Report 311 Energy risk to activity systems as a function of urban form

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This project aimed to develop analytical methods for assessing energy risks due to a peak and decline in global oil production.

Research Report 252 New standard precast concrete bridge beams: stage 1 – identification of new standard beam shapes

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The objective of Stage 1 of this research project (carried out in 2002-2003) was to research and identify the most appropriate precast concrete bridge beam shapes that should be adopted in New Zealand as industry standards for the future.

Research Report 310 The safety benefits of brighter roadmarkings

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Since about 1997 the brightness of roadmarkings on a number of New Zealand state highways has been increased.

Research Report 031 User perceptions of the New Zealand state highway system

Category: Integrated land use and transport systems , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This report is of market research into the perceptions and views of road users about the state highway system in New Zealand.

Research Report 251 Cost effective remedial techniques for reinforcement corrosion in concrete bridges

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Corrosion of steel reinforcement is the most serious and common deterioration problem affecting reinforced concrete bridges in New Zealand.

Research Report 250 Foamed bitumen stabilisation for New Zealand roads

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Foamed bitumen stabilisation is gaining wide acceptance internationally for pavement stabilisation, but has not been practised in New Zealand.

Gisborne to Napier coastal shipping study

Category: Domestic sea freight development fund studies (DSFDF) , Guidance for specialists | Audience: General

The purpose of this study was to investigate the viability of a coastal shipping service from Gisborne to Napier, including the consideration all viable modes of transport (in this case road, rail and coastal shipping).

Research Report 308 Environmental impact of industrial by-products in road construction – a literature review

Category: Environmental impacts of land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The objectives of this project, undertaken 2005/6, were to: review the international technical literature on the topic of environmental issues relating to the use of waste and industrial by-products in road construction applications, and recommend a …