
Displaying 351 - 360 results of 938 for ""

Research Report 018 Land transport pricing for New Zealand

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

As part of the management of the land transport system of New Zealand, a study of land transport pricing policies, with particular emphasis on road pricing, has been carried out.

Research Report 179 Effects of public transport system changes on mode switching and road traffic levels

Category: Integrated land use and transport systems , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

A research project was undertaken to appraise international evidence on the effects of changes in urban public transport systems and services on the extent of switching to/from car travel and on total road traffic volumes, and to develop guidelines f…

Land Transport Rule: Steering Systems 2001

Category: Steering systems , Land transport rules | Audience: General

This rule covers the design, construction and maintenance of steering systems in motor vehicles.

Research Report 178 Initial adhesion characteristics of polymer modified binder

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This report describes work to investigate sealing aggregate bonding to standard and polymer modified bituminous binders.

Research Report 177 Quantifying and improving the performance of road markings

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This project was undertaken to establish reliable test methods by which the performance of road markings in New Zealand can be assessed.

Research Report 163 Influences of vehicle loading on pavement wear

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

While pavement design and management practices are based on static axle loads, the actual loads applied to pavements are dynamic, varying as the suspension responds to the unevenness in the pavement surface.

Land Transport Rule: Seats and Seat Anchorages 2002

Category: Seats and seat anchorages , Land transport rules | Audience: General

This rule covers the design, construction and maintenance of seats and seat anchorages.

Land Transport Rule: Passenger Service Vehicles 1999

Category: Passenger service vehicles , Land transport rules | Audience: General

This rule specifies the legal requirements for the design and construction of all passenger service vehicles in New Zealand.