
Displaying 11 - 20 results of 89 for ""

Vehicle certification complaints form (VCCPF01)

Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Motorists

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is responsible for ensuring that vehicle inspection and certification is carried out in accordance with the Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM) and Land Transport Rules.

Winter tyres

Category: Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: Motorists

This leaflet gives advice to vehicle owners who have winter tyres fitted to their vehicles.

MR1B Application to license motor vehicle

Category: Vehicle licensing , Forms | Audience: Motorists

Use this form to relicense your vehicle for 1 to 12 months.

Sustainable urban mobility benchmarking

Category: Guidance for specialists , Research & reports | Audiences: Communities, Local & regional government, Motorists, Road controlling authorities, Walkers & cyclists

This report outlines how our urban centres compare on their journeys toward delivering a low carbon, safe and healthy urban mobility environment.

Rightcar for vehicle safety and environmental ratings

Category: Vehicle choices , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: General, Importers, Motorists, Vehicle traders

If you’re trading vehicles or have customers who may be interested in buying a vehicle you can display this poster.

Spray and wind buffeting from heavy vehichles: a literature review

Category: Research & reports | Audience: Motorists

The splash, spray, and turbulence generated by heavy vehicles (HVs) are of considerable concern to other road users.

Renewing driver licence endorsements (Factsheet 61)

Category: Occupational driving , Factsheets | Audience: Motorists

This factsheet explains what you need to do to renew the endorsements on your driver licence.

Guide to the on-road safety test

Category: Older drivers , Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Communities, Medical practitioners, Motorists

This guide is for older drivers who have been referred for an on-road safety test by their doctor.