
Displaying 481 - 490 results of 491 for ""

Road safety data - Auckland region

Category: Auckland Region , Road safety data , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A comprehensive compilation of road safety crash and casualty data in this area.

Regional summary – Auckland

Category: Auckland Region , Regional summaries , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A summary of economic, social and environmental data, issues, plans and initiatives in the Auckland region and their expected impact on transport.

Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) guidelines for three-year period 2009–12

Category: National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) , Corporate publications | Audience: Local & regional government

These guidelines provide advice to approved organisations proposing transport activities for inclusion in Regional Land Transport Programmes, and to Regional Transport Committees and their advisory groups developing Regional Land transport Programmes…

NZ Transport Agency annual report | National Land Transport Fund annual report: 2011–2012

Category: Annual reports , Corporate publications | Audiences: General, Local & regional government

The annual report records our achievements in pursuing the NZ Transport Agency’s strategy to ensure delivery of the government’s land transport objectives and wider transport vision.

Total Mobility around New Zealand: a regional guide

Category: Total mobility transport operators , Guidance for specialists | Audiences: Local & regional government, Total mobility transport users

An overview to using the Total Mobility scheme and contact information for regions operating the scheme in New Zealand.

Land transport rules

Category: Land transport rules | Audiences: General, Local & regional government

Land transport rules are a form of delegated legislation similar to regulations.

Road safety issues – Ashburton district 2002–09

Category: Canterbury Region , Road safety issues , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

An assessment of the key road safety issues in the Ashburton district - used for targeting actions to reduce casualties.

Road safety data – Ashburton district

Category: Canterbury Region , Road safety data , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A comprehensive compilation of road safety crash and casualty data in the Ashburton District area.