
Displaying 411 - 420 results of 491 for ""

NZ Transport Agency annual report | National Land Transport Fund annual report: 2018-19

Category: Annual reports , Corporate publications | Audiences: General, Local & regional government

The annual report records our achievements in pursuing the NZ Transport Agency's strategy to ensure delivery of the government's land transport objectives and wider transport vision.

Road assets – Franklin district

Category: Auckland Region , Road assets , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

Statistics, works completed, trends in condition, use and costs for roads - compiled annually by NZ Transport Agency using data received from each territorial authority in New Zealand.

Land transport at a glance – Far North District

Category: Northland Region , Land transport at a glance , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A brief overview of transport and the context within which transport is provided in the Far North District.

NZ Transport Agency annual report | National Land Transport Fund annual report: 2014–2015

Category: Annual reports , Corporate publications | Audiences: General, Local & regional government

The annual report records our achievements in pursuing the NZ Transport Agency's strategy to ensure delivery of the government's land transport objectives and wider transport vision.

Road safety data – Dunedin city

Category: Otago Region , Road safety data , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

A comprehensive compilation of road safety crash and casualty data in the Dunedin city area.

NZ Transport Agency annual report | National Land Transport Fund annual report: 2017-18

Category: Annual reports , Corporate publications | Audiences: General, Local & regional government

The annual report records our achievements in pursuing the NZ Transport Agency's strategy to ensure delivery of the government's land transport objectives and wider transport vision.

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP): Northland 2009–2012

Category: National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) , Corporate publications | Audience: Local & regional government

The Northland NLTP seeks to improve connectivity within the Northland region and between Northland and the rest of the country to help stimulate economic growth and productivity.

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP): Manawatu-Whanganui 2009–2012

Category: National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) , Corporate publications | Audience: Local & regional government

Manawatu-Whanganui is strategically important in the lower North Island as a transport hub, both for north-south and east-west travel and as a focal point for a wide range of social services for the central North Island.