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Total Mobility scheme: policy guide for local authorities

The purpose of this policy guide is to achieve a nationally consistent approach for local authorities to administer the Total Mobility scheme in their respective regions.

This guide sets out the requirements, policy, principles, processes and explanatory notes to manage the Total Mobility scheme.

About Total Mobility

Funded in partnership by local and central government, the Total Mobility scheme assists eligible people, with long term impairments to access appropriate transport to meet their daily needs and enhance their community participation. This assistance is provided in the form of  subsidised door to door transport services wherever scheme transport providers operate.

The Total Mobility scheme is intended to complement the provision of public transport services, which are expected to be as accessible as possible to meet different mobility needs.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency first published a policy guide for local authorities in 2008 and a user guide in 2010.

For the user guide:
Total Mobility around New Zealand: a regional guide to using the Total Mobility scheme


Human Rights Commission (2005) The accessible journey: Report of the inquiry into accessible public land transport. HRC, Wellington.

Minister of Transport (2002) New Zealand transport strategy. New Zealand Government, Wellington.

Ministry of Transport (2005) Total Mobility scheme review. MoT, Wellington.

Transfund New Zealand (2003) Passenger transport social services review. Transfund, Wellington.