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#15-12 Update to CoPTTM technical note

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Update to CoPTTM technical note Specification and application for portable traffic signal systems version 3

Publication details

Use of portable traffic signal systems on the New Zealand State highway network is governed by the New Zealand Transport Agency’s Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM) and systems used must be certified compliant to AS 4191 Portable traffic signal systems or Approved by the NZ Transport Agency as compliant to the requirements of this document. 

This CoPTTM technical note details the specifications that portable traffic signals must comply with to be certified compliant to AS 4191.

It also details pathways for gaining approval.

What has changed

An addition has been made to the specification in this updated version (3): 

Any system that uses radio communications will need to comply with the appropriate New Zealand Regulations. 

Publication details

Author: NZ Transport Agency – CoPTTM (Safety) team
Published: November 2015
Version: 3
Found at: link) 

Further information

Contact the Senior Traffic and Safety Engineer (CoPTTM) of the Safety team at or phone 04 894 6355.

Kevin Reid