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#15-09 Temporary concrete barrier TCB-1 revision 3

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Road Safety Hardware Update - Temporary Concrete Barrier TCB-1 (R3)

Publication details

The standard drawing for the TCB-1 temporary concrete barrier system has been updated (now revision 3) to:

  • clarify the distance the ‘loop’ protrudes from the barrier end face (37.5mm) which was not clearly detailed on the previous drawing; and
  • to increase the diameter of the pin washer (now 75mm).

The revised drawing replaces all previous versions. Barrier units manufactured to previous drawings may remain in service but from date of this notice all new units must be manufactured to the new drawing.

Publication details

Author: NZ Transport Agency
Published: September 2015
Version: Rev 3
Reference: TCB-1
Found at:

Further information

Contact Julian Chisnall of the HNO Traffic and Safety team at

Kevin Reid