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#15-05 Launch of Programme business case guideline

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Highways and Network Operations have developed the Guidance for developing programme business cases for state highway investment.

Publication details

Highways and Network Operations have developed the Guidance for developing programme business cases for state highway investment.

This programme business case guidance has been developed specifically for application to the development of transport investments, which incorporate state highway activities.

It expands on, but is consistent with NZ Transport Agency business case guidance and framed within the broader technical requirements for state highway activity development.

The guide is targeted towards NZ Transport Agency staff and practitioners engaged by the NZ
Transport Agency to develop business cases incorporating potential state highway activities.
However, the tools and guides available within this guidance, and also available on the Highways information portal, may be helpfully adopted or adapted by other sector partners in discussion with the NZ Transport Agency.

This guideline is now available on the Highways information portal.

Publication details

Author: Outcome Planning
Published: July 2015
Version: 1
Found at:

Further information

Contact the Outcome Planning team at

Kevin Reid