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#15-04 July 2015 update to CoPTTM

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The July 2015 update of CoPTTM is now on the CoPTTM pages of the NZ Transport Agency website.

Publication details

The July 2015 update of CoPTTM is now online on the CoPTTM pages of the NZ Transport Agency website.

The effective date for these changes is 1 August 2015.

What has changed

The amendments can be accessed here

Changes, available on the website, are:

  • Revised sections of the CoPTTM (July 2015)
  • The July 2015 Update Note which details the changes made to CoPTTM

Trainers can access updated training packages via the Dropbox links that have been forwarded directly to them.

Publication details

Author: NZ Transport Agency
Published: 1 July 2015
Reference: SP/M/010
Version: Fourth edition, amendment 3
Found at:

Further information

Contact Stuart Fraser, Senior Traffic and Safety Engineer (CoPTTM) from the Highways and Network Operations Safety team at

Kevin Reid