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#15-03 Assessing historic heritage effects guide

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

New roading impact assessment guide - Assessing historic heritage effects for state highway projects.

Publication details

Historic and cultural heritage is plentiful on and adjacent to the transport network. As a non-renewable resource and a physical record of New Zealand’s nationhood the presence of cultural and historic heritage provides an opportunity and a risk to all network projects.

Following on from the Environmental and Social Responsibility Screen this guide provides a tool for the preliminary technical assessments phase of both the indicative and detailed business case where cultural and/or historic heritage effects are anticipated.

Practical advice and templates represent good practice for the assessment of effects on historic and cultural heritage. Case studies illustrate the delivery of recent highway projects with efficient, effective, environmentally responsible and nationally consistent outcomes. Early consultation with key stakeholders is also promoted.

Use of this guide gives effect to NZ Transport Agency’s statutory and policy obligations. It is based on national and internationally recognised heritage practice including guidelines for transport agencies in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. External stakeholders including Heritage New Zealand, Iwi, local government and heritage professionals provided feedback on earlier versions of this guide.

What has changed

A draft version of this guide has been on the NZ Transport Agency website since March 2014. This final version has been formally ratified by the Transport Agency’s quality assurance processes and confirms the use of this guide in all future business case and project planning.

Feedback to improve the accuracy and relevance of this guide for transport projects are welcome.

Publication details

Author: NZ Transport Agency – Environment and Urban Design team
Published: May 2015
Also known as: Guideline for assessing impacts of state highway projects on historic heritage
Version: 1
Reference: ISBN 978-0-478-39436-8 (online); ISBN 978-0-478-39437-5 (print)
Found at:

Further information

Contact the Environment and Urban Design team at

Kevin Reid