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6. Recommendations

1) That RCAs develop a formal policy on floodlighting pedestrian crossings by:

    • Identifying those pedestrian crossings that are used at night and rank them according to night-time use/risk.
    • Making an inventory of the night-time lux levels on all of these crossings following a method similar to that outlined in this report
    • Developing a prioritised programme to upgrade these crossings to ensure the NZS6701 level (20 lux) is maintained and preferably achieve the recommended TR11 level (40 lux).

2) That RCAs using Mercury or Halogen floodlights note the low compliance and high failure rate found with these floodlights and accordingly:

    • Review the maintenance regimes and lamp replacement cycles
    • Consider upgrading to a higher output and energy efficient source such as high pressure sodium.

3) That RCAs note the high failure rate in Belisha beacons and where appropriate take steps to improve the maintenance regime or install lamps with a longer design life.

4) That RCAs place floodlights on the approach side of the pedestrian crossings to better illuminate pedestrians using the crossing.

5) That an updated guide to Pedestrian crossings be produced which should include recommendations on fluoro discs, and floodlighting.