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Research Report 083 Road noise generated by concrete block pavements

Published: | Category: Environmental impacts of land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The use of concrete block pavers as a road surfacing in residential and industrial areas is increasing in New Zealand. This has raised concerns regarding the noise levels generated by vehicles travelling over such surfaces.

A study involving continuous and A-weighted ⅓ octave band spectral analysis of tyre-road noise was therefore undertaken, in 1992, to highlight differences between pavers and to identify prevalent noise-generating mechanisms. Recordings of vehicle exterior and interior noise data, together with vertical axle and body accelerations, were made for three vehicle speeds (30, 45, 60 km/h) on four concrete block pavements selected from residential areas in Rotorua and Auckland, New Zealand. They were subsequently analysed. The resulting noise and acceleration spectra, and recommendations for future investigations, are summarised in this report.

Keywords: Accelerometer, bandpass, concrete block, drive-by, exterior noise, interior noise, New Zealand, noise, 1/2 octave, pavers, pavement, road, road noise, sound, spectra, spectral analysis, vehicle

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 1997
  • Reference: 83